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Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Precious Little "Gem"! |minden newborn photographer

This past Thursday I had the pleasure of meeting adorable little Miss "R". At exactly 2 weeks old she was the most alert newborn I have ever seen! Sweet little Miss "R" simply did not want to miss a thing, she kept those beautiful big blue eyes of hers open for much of our session.

I thought we would try some serene shots of her cradled in Daddy's hands, but Miss "R" had other ideas!She did however take some brief catnaps and I was able to capture a few adorable sleepy shots. Isn't she gorgeous?!

I think this is one of my favorite shots from the session. Miss"R"'s beautiful Mom was snuggling with her on the couch in between some of the more posed shots. When I look at this picture I can feel the bond between Mother and Daughter. Just a small moment in time that captures that special something that being a parent is all about.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Beautiful Mom

I can't believe that this beautiful Mom is due to give birth to her third child in just a few weeks time. I was lucky enough to get to spend a morning with her and her wonderful family earlier this week and boy did I have a good time. Miss "O" and little Miss "V" were absolutely adorable and they are both going to be fantastic big sisters to the new arrival.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gorgeous Mama-to-be!

Last week-end I had the pleasure of meeting up with an adorable couple who are expecting their first child. After doing some indoor shots we headed out the door to try some outside. The weather was a little wild, very chilly with the wind whipping around every which way. But this mom-to-be was a real trooper and toughed it out without even wearing a coat and I'm really pleased with how the photos turned out.

Monday, March 8, 2010